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Meet the team

Elchanan Peres – CEO & founder

Ofir Gorodetzky (Phd) – R&D

Daniel Grilikes – CTO

Yechiel Englander – CFO

Nicolas Bendersky – Senior financial advisor

Contact Us

Team Member

Elchanan Peres

7 Years of experience in the financial and consulting industry as an analyst at BDO consulting and Discount investment corporation. BA in Economics & Math from Tel Aviv University.

Team Member

Ofir Gorodetzky (Phd) – R&D

An analytic number theorist and postdoctoral research
associate at the University of Oxford. BSc in Mathematics
and Computer Science (Technion).
PhD in Mathematics from Tel Aviv University. The winner of
several prizes for the Technion in Math international Olympics. Served as an oficer in prestige IDF units (8200).

Team Member

Daniel Grilikes – CTO

10 years of experience as a software engineer at Bezek.
M.Sc. from Tel Aviv university.
Served in the IDF as a Software engineer in the Meitav unit.

Team Member

Yechiel Englander – CFO

Experience as the head of the financial-technology team at the Venture Capital Fund OurCrowd valuing companies for
hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of investments.
BA (with honors) in Accounting and Economics from
the Open University.

Team Member

Nicolas Bendersky – Senior financial advisor

15 years of experience in the international markets as the CIO of Consultores Asset Management, various director position in public and non-public companies, including chairman of the board of Epsilon underwriting.
MA Finance and BA in Economics from CEMA University